Confirmed that Windows Chrome has the same 17 (or 16 + [GREASE](https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/6475903378915328); might be interesting to add something like that to zgrab)
Note here — we did add a sample UDP probe to zmap (https://github.com/zmap/zmap/pull/503), so that can be used to identify amplifiers.
@leaixian zgrab / zgrab2 are application-layer scanners that scan details about a specific protocol given ahead of time; if you just want to check that a port is open, and...
Three tasks here: 1. Why is the host not showing up in the standard output? 2. Add detection for that TLS error (should be a `SCAN_PROTOCOL_ERROR`) 3. Change default log...
@etmatrix I can reproduce the error, except for the part about the output file being empty (see bottom), but since in your case I don't see the scan summary (e.g....
I think I see the problem -- `transport.DialTLS` is set, but not `transport.Dial` / `transport.DialContext`. Confirmed that if I add `--use-https` to your example, it does time out as expected.
The cert seems to be here: https://censys.io/certificates/d859b40f61cb7683459ba101bae740a46a87f4f67e12363b69acb47628f76384/raw I see that e.g. "mail.xn----7sba4atictgs.xn--p1ai" doesn't show up in `"names"`, but it does show up in `"dns_names"`, which according to the source (see...
It appears that this is the list we're currently using: ``` var knownHeaders = map[string]bool{ "accept_patch": true, "accept_ranges": true, "access_control_allow_origin": true, "age": true, "allow": true, "alt_svc": true, "alternate_protocol": true, "cache_control":...
See also https://github.com/zmap/zgrab/pull/322
Verified -- Just running a quick sampling from hosts returned by https://censys.io/ipv4?q=1911.fox.device_id.support%3A+true, it **does** look like zgrab classic is returning results while zgrab2 is timing out.