Juri Strumpflohner

Results 69 comments of Juri Strumpflohner

Unfortunately we're all in the same situation :wink:. There's only a few lucky that get paid to work on open source. Thx for your effort

@vkasala Hi, can you check whether this is still valid and perhaps provide a PR for this?

Are u using Ionic 1 or 2? Also, does this happen when you launch the app in the browser or on the mobile?

@jessemarple Unfortunately I'm not able to find that file. @tombatossals Any idea?

Can you guys provide a PR for this? Would be great :smile:

Maybe it's related to this: #298 @sathishatnet ?

Hey @ThomasAlanParker! Well this project came to a "stop" basically. I'm no more using Open Layers, nor Angular.js (version 1.x) as I moved to Angular. But there apparently still people...

@ThomasAlanParker ah I see. Watch out then, since this repo here is for AngularJS, basically version 1.x. 🙂 (and not for Angular => version 2+)

Hmmm..this is in fact an issue. Generally speaking I think it isn't necessary to include ol3 within this package. I think we could resolve this with npm peer dependencies. I...

Awesome :+1:. We should provide support to ES2015, definitely. I'd wait till the official release is out, tho.