Juri Strumpflohner

Results 69 comments of Juri Strumpflohner

Awesome answer! Thx a lot for the time, really appreciate it :smiley: So what you're basically suggesting is to have stateless services which are basically reduced to containing the pure...

@mauron85 getting the same **but on Android** (also deleting `node_modules` & re-installing etc..). I was mostly interested in trying out this demo example app in order to understand whether I...

Hey, sorry for jumping in directly. Our latest announcement might be something you're interested in 🙂 https://blog.nrwl.io/lerna-used-to-walk-now-it-can-fly-eab7a0fe7700?source=friends_link&sk=6c827ec7c9adfc1c760ff2e3f3e05cc7

This seems to work for now until we have a more DX friendly option https://youtu.be/VHkb26kHjgA

Hey, thanks a lot for the PR 🙇 . The team is looking into it, but we think we might need some more thought around this and make sure it...

> Note: I'm a karma/jasmine fan, so my opinion is a bit biased. :thinking: wouldn't have said that :wink:. I simply put it here as a note. I'm using Karma+Jasmine...

Hey, thx for the PR. There seems to be a conflict with master, tho. Also, not sure whether to add protractor to this starter. I don't want to bind this...

Istanbul is perfectly fine :wink:

Hi, just went here to file this issue. I just had the same error. Installing any gem failed due to some certificate validation issues. I found the solution by myself...