Juri Strumpflohner

Results 69 comments of Juri Strumpflohner

Nope, and as of our latest beta release today it is even suuuuper fast: https://blog.nrwl.io/lerna-used-to-walk-now-it-can-fly-eab7a0fe7700?source=friends_link&sk=6c827ec7c9adfc1c760ff2e3f3e05cc7

yeah definitely let me know how that goes. This is a 5.1 beta but we're going to have a stable probably around mid June sometimes.

@RedwanFox Interesting idea. > optionally have large binary blobs in them (for example art content in gamedev) Storing large blobs, in general, doesn't work very well with Git. Though it...

Having the same issue when I run my docker-compose setup. ``` version: '3.3' services: angular-app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: - '80:80' cypress-e2e: build: context: ./e2e dockerfile: Dockerfile.cypress depends_on:...

@bahmutov Thanks for your hints. Gonna check some of them out. I'm using a setup similar to [here](https://hackernoon.com/cypress-io-docker-the-ultimate-e2e-stack-a20ee25654b1) as I need to run a docker-compose setup on CircleCI. Basically I'm...

yes. I'll try to create a small sample repo and share it on GitHub

@bahmutov I have a repro repository here: https://github.com/juristr/nx-cypress-ci-setup I can also add you (or anyone else) as a collaborator if that makes it easier to debug the issue. Locally it...

> Could you debug this problem in Circle by rerunning the job with SSH Oh alright, didn't know I can debug CircleCI via SSH. thx, will let you know 👍

Thx @coltonbrugger for PRing this, really appreciate and I'm sorry I didn't merge this earlier. But I didn't work on this project any more and a lot of other things...

cool, so I'll leave this issue open as a reminder :wink: