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Useful functions to make your scRNA-seq plot more cool!

Results 31 scRNAtoolVis issues
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Can you add some functions to change the font,size and color of axis x? Thanks a lot.

Error in .standalone_types_check_dot_call(ffi_standalone_check_number_1.0.7, : object 'ffi_standalone_check_number_1.0.7' not found In addition: Warning message: Computation failed in `stat_flow()` Caused by error in `summarise()`: ℹ In argument: `lode = (function (x, order_by =...

Good job! jun! I want to plot a heatmap use some features in metadata which not a gene in RNA assay, it is a pathways score. I can get a...

The program "scRNAtoolVis" do helps me a lot. Thanks for your sharing! I have meet an problem when I using "AverageHeatmap". I notice that "fontsize" could adjust the size of...

I have got 15 clusters in sce. When I applied jjVolcano and markerVocalno to draw a volcano, I got follow errors. > jjvol jjvol Error in `palette()`: ! Insufficient values...

hi, great job! I get a seurat object with GSVA result by irGSVA. ``` ht1

Hi, I installed scRNAtoolVis using "devtools::install_github('junjunlab/scRNAtoolVis')" and it went smoothly with no errors. However, when I use it, it says "object 'jjVolcano' not found". Why is that?

Thank you for the tools you developed. I ran into a problem while running the “jjVolcano” I want to show myMarkers. some gene labels can point to points, but some...

Hi Junjun, I installed scRNAtoolVis on the HPC without ROOT access, and i met the error that `magick` package is not available. But it is always not easy for users...

Hello, thanks for developing this wonderful visualization package! I have encountered some issues passing the Seurat v5 object to `AverageHeatmap()` function. Could you please advise how should I pull data...