hossein s. borhani

Results 23 comments of hossein s. borhani

hello again, i've made the page and hopefully finish the tutorial soon, it can really use binary files for easy consumption https://github.com/junguler/_image-manipulation/tree/main/Triangula

you can apply your own styling to the page using userContent.css in firefox, just do something like this ``` @-moz-document url-prefix("moz-extension:") { body { background-color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background: rgb(34,...

> This does not work in this case with this particular extension. it works for me as i have a complete dark css file that i apply to all websites...

> But, I guess, you just wanted to help, which is basically a good thing ...👍 unfortunately there is no global dark mode fix that removes all these little annoyances,...

doesn't this repo make use of other repositories with different kinds of licenses? some of them don't even mention a widely known free license and just link to a document...

i agree with such a feature and i've said as much here https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/discussions/2601 , most people forget about their opened issue as soon as it was fixed and often times...

hi again, i noticed when i close bug.n it tiles every open window and exits, is there anyway to disable this behavior? i'm using the .exe version btw, if it...

thank you for the detailed response, feel free to close this issue whenever you like.