Jonathan Underwood

Results 338 comments of Jonathan Underwood

I might add replit has the same issue. Also, If I try checking out an old tag and installing, inotify dependency fails building.

@ghuntley I just tried running through the gitpod link on the README and I was greeted with a gitpod that was using 1.55

Note: This new implementation also mimics the code for NodeJS hex parser used in the `from(x, 'hex')` portion.

You are using the wrong version of bitcoinjs-lib

Please remove the seed WIF addition and the iterations addition. Pull Requests should be atomic. If subsequent pull requests are based on a previous pull request you should submit them...

1. Please squash your commits 2. A quick glance looks ok Please keep in mind that I don't have any merge permissions, nor do I have control over coinbin's site...

@Lursun Bitcoin Core / all the forks of Bitcoin Core do not hold an address index for querying addresses. The only way a "plug and play" system for all blockchains...

checkout any commit you want. The whole history is public.

1. Why not localStorage? 2. Are those ESNext private class fields? Those should be avoided, as browser support is still low. But even if you were to use them, you...

One problem this has is that all current signatures should be discarded when a change is made, otherwise, for example, my signature will be for an outdated sha256sum and verification...