
Results 83 issues of jums

on small screens, when i select a left to right language, then i select an another language, dropdown menu should have a right alignement ![2022-06-30_16-37](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5363918/176706872-04af35fa-00f8-457e-b80e-8f804c060bf6.png)


When I click on "join group" and have a group request sent to the group admin, I should have a visual aid in the groups index section that tells me...


after integration of the autocomplete selector, following feature is now not implemented. 1. a candidate has not been resolved ![2022-06-28_16-47_1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5363918/176209681-fe71c0ec-0a10-4db6-9c20-cb5a5dad9a6c.png) 2. user chooses to select a work ![2022-06-28_16-48](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5363918/176209798-09aeb0db-01ba-4873-9e99-7fba76f2c47c.png) 3. but...


toward a better decentralization, client-side may take advantage of a local config domain, probably with create a custom domain in `config/default.cjs` - [ ] replace domain in `app/lib/urls.js` - [...


There was an [attempt](https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire-client/tree/contributive-entities-builder) to contribute to entity enhancement, it staled because of several reasons one of which could be the boilerplate necessary to create lists in backbone, another could...

context : when i merge a wikidata entity, and the merge involve new information, a modal pops up asking me if i want to add this piece of info to...


feedback from actual user: "bon, j'avoue qu'un simple "comment ça marche" en page d'accueil m'aurait plu." without going to an endless "how to have a unmaintainable welcome tour", lets make...


when a edition have a day, a month and a year as a publication date `P577` (ie. `2019-03-07` for [9782377290888](https://inventaire.io/api/entities?action=by-uris&uris=isbn:9782377290888) only the year is shown on the [edition page](https://inventaire.io/entity/isbn:9782377290888) ![2021-03-15_16-46](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5363918/111181192-9e7ca900-85a5-11eb-842a-ab4488414bbb.png)...

Its only an enhancement but displaying pictures of authors in search result when editing would improve edition experience, and thus avoid some entity creation or further research to disambiguate homonyms...

good first issue

On an author's page, once works are displayed. Works details (date of publication) are already shown on an author page, so pulling other work's claims to this page seems doable...
