Julius Marminge

Results 403 comments of Julius Marminge

_Maybe_ when tRPC v10 is released where subscriptions supposedly should be a lot better. As of now, they're in a weird state even according to the creator.

Closing for now, perhaps we'll revisit this later

We have a [section](https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-app/blob/main/www/src/pages/en/faq.md) for this on our upcoming docs. Feel free to PR links to posts etc there!

Is this for CLI or App?

Messed up my branching but implemented in [#b20e9831edfa6299ed6b7f9af270fc565f6b0a94 ](https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-app/commit/b20e9831edfa6299ed6b7f9af270fc565f6b0a94)

> We were going to make a page in the docs site for this. But yeah the README for the generated project is also good. What do you think @juliusmarminge?...

> "Why are there JS files in the repo?" https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-app/blob/main/template/base/README.md#why-are-there-js-files-in-here

Sorry for the delay. Unfortunatly, I am unable to reproduce this behavior. I have created multiple apps both on latest, beta and next and with different package setups and they...