Julius Härtl

Results 653 comments of Julius Härtl

Maybe you can clarify your report a bit more, is your browser becoming slow or the Nextcloud instance itself? Also are you running the built-in code server or a docker...

Can you check if that is just an issue in firefox or if other browsers are also affected? Is it only happening when opening a document or also when just...

I see, can you maybe fill out the complete issue template and also provide the output of the `occ config:list` command. Further some additional details on your webserver setup would...

If you have ssh access you can temporarily move the app in apps/richdocumentscode to some other location and see if that makes the system responsive again together with a restart...

> Mai 26 19:10:13 coolwsd[368072]: wsd-368072-368108 2022-05-26 19:10:13.165221 +0200 [ docbroker_001 ] WRN #30 has timed out while requesting [GET /index.php/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/62993_ocar9eya3hy1?access_token=EfReoDEeUDzgfaUMs6SnSf5eHNGglRaf&access_token_ttl=0] after 30016ms| net/HttpRequest.hpp:1295 Seems there was a timeout when...

- [ ] Collabora could add a secret to access the convert-to - [ ] We can provide the remote_config endpoint only with a shared secret which can then be...

@hcvcastro Maybe you can reference the upstream implementation once merged, as @gokaysatir mentioned that this is still ongoing.

@hcvcastro @gokaysatir Do you have any update here? Is this still relevant?

Started hacking on a check endpoint on the collabora side - WIP at https://github.com/CollaboraOnline/online/pull/4353

Could you check if the issue still exists with the latest richdocuments release?