I think this is not the job of SensioBuzzBundle. Same as BuzzProfileBundle, which is not his job to generate default buzz service definitions.
BuzzProfilerBundle is for dev environments. I think SensioBuzzBundle must be used in prod or whatever.
IMHO, if you can't write yourself this file https://github.com/sensio/SensioBuzzBundle/blob/master/Resources/config/buzz.xml in your projects, you are very lazy. :) With Symfony2, you can find a plethora of bundles for anything. That's why...
You're not the first to ask for this issue ;)
Profiling buzz calls from BuzzProfilerBundle is not well developed. It deals with clients. It was not a good idea. See https://github.com/juliendidier/BuzzBundle/blob/master/DataCollector/BuzzDataCollector.php for a better profiling implementation.