Workaround: Add a custom error handler: https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-web/blob/4.2.7/vertx-web/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/web/impl/RoutingContextImplBase.java#L224-L225
The issue is fixed when setting "Punctuation/symbol level" to "some" in the Speech settings. I use NVDA version 2020.4.
Removing soft hyphens is desirable. NVDA ignores and doesn't announce soft hyphens when the user has set "Punctuation/symbol level" to "none" or "some" in the NVDA Speech settings. "some" is...
Thank you for clarification. The steps to reproduce should be extended: > Disable soft hyphen pronunciation in the punctuation/symbols level settings and the Symbol Pronunciation settings. This works, NVDA doesn't...
I agree with Julien. The javadoc should be extended to make this clear: #802
`getValue().toString()` may cause NPE. Should we add `getValueAsString` that returns null for null and toString() otherwise?
There is no standard. Oracle uses `:a`, `:b`, `:c`, etc. syntax: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28370/dynamic.htm#BJEIJEBJ PHP PDO supports both named (`:name`) or question mark (`?`) parameter marker placeholder: https://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepare.php vertx-pg-client neither supports ODBC...
@jrno jOOQ supports all bind parameter syntaxes: * `?` (JDBC, MySQL, MariaDB) * `@name` (SQL Server) * `:name` (Oracle, Spring, JPA named syntax) * `?1` (JPA indexed syntax) * `$1`...
@gavinking [Hibernate System Requirements](https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/5.4/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#_system_requirements): > Hibernate 5.2 and later versions require at least Java 1.8 and JDBC 4.2. vertx-sql-client/vertx-pg-client is not a JDBC driver. hibernate-orm has `SQLQueryParser#substituteParams(String sqlString)` that converts...