Julian Burr

Results 7 issues of Julian Burr

Talk title: (Don’t) Stay Hydrated – A Look at Server Components, Astro and Qwik and Why We Need Them Talk length: can do either 20 min or 30 min Talk...

Talk Done - Pending Resources

Had to add this fix to be able to use the package within the `Application Support` directory (more precise I'm trying to use sketchtool for my code testing setup within...

## Summary of talk * interactive talk that goes through the process of creating a green field app in 2023 * at each decision point, there will be an audience...

talk volunteered

Not sure if this is still the best way to suggest/volunteer talks, but I'll just give it a try 😅 ## Summary of talk Diving into SSR of React apps,...

talk volunteered

## Summary of talk Comparison of popular solutions, e.g. Tailwind, styled components, emotion, stitches, etc.

## Summary of talk Not strictly React related, so 🤷 The idea is to have a look at Github Actions, how to set it up and use it for CI...

talk volunteered