hi, couldn't find any info in the docs so thought id post here. looking for an implementation of the below in TWGL: []( taking 4 points of a rectangular quad...
at the moment ofxFlashDisplayObject takes alpha values but it should take ofColor instead which will contain the alpha value already.
hey @vanderlin & @kylemcdonald, ive unified mouse and touch joints, and extended to support any number of touches (previously max limit was 5). this will be good for touch screen...
Hi, im discovering that the webxr-polyfill is limited in features and does not include support for HitTest. I can also see in the git history that it was supported once...
hey, if i turn on the programmable renderer, something like... ``` ofGLFWWindowSettings windowSettings; windowSettings.setGLVersion(4, 1); .... ofCreateWindow(windowSettings); ``` then the depth image no longer renders.
hi, ive come across an issue parsing polylines exported from Sketch app. please see sample below. the error occurs when the first RegEx returns a null value in `drawPolyline(graphics, node)`...
came across a SVG which contained the Q command in the path data. had a look in the SVG 1.1 spec and it does support it, currently missing support...
hi, ive started using your Physics lib to take advantage of the spring functionality and because its so light weight. normally ive used box2d which has the ability to set...