ofxKinect2 copied to clipboard
depth image does not render with programmable renderer
if i turn on the programmable renderer, something like...
ofGLFWWindowSettings windowSettings;
windowSettings.setGLVersion(4, 1);
then the depth image no longer renders.
I've never checked. I will check soon!
I found that same problem was reported at, https://github.com/openframeworks/openFrameworks/issues/4378
Changing texture format resolved the problem. For me, changing line 753 in ofxKinect2.cpp worked!
from: tex.allocate(getWidth(), getHeight(), GL_RGBA, true, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
to: tex.allocate(getWidth(), getHeight(), GL_R8, true, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT); tex.setRGToRGBASwizzles(true);