Juan Rodriguez Hortala
Juan Rodriguez Hortala
@roidelapluie This implements #10660 and verifies checksums in files downloaded by `curl` in makefiles, to prevent attacks. ## Manual testing When checksum is ok then files are downloaded as expected...
In in OCP 4.8 the metric node_namespace_pod_container:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_irate is not available, what is available is the same metric but using sum_rate instead. CMO replaced sum_rate with sum_irate in 4.9 through an...
Hi, I'm working on a big project that has several modules, each one with its AndroidManifest.xml and its own source code directory. I've been able to launch the app with...
DStreamProp.forAllAlways executes the test cases sequentially, which is ok for local tests and fine tuned batch interval. Adapting the ideas of StreamingContextDirectReceiverTest the tests maybe could be executed in parallel....
Setup https://certbot.eff.org/ on an Nginx on my raspberry acting as the head node and proxy for Jenkins and later the HDP cluster
Because the base case is Now that potentially returns a new formula that is generated test time.
Setup test cluster with 1 Cubox 4x4 as master and 2 ODROID C2 as slaves. Try run latest Hortonworks HDP on Ubuntu with just YARN installed, and just Ambari for...
https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-0.9/apis/streaming_guide.html Emergent system, abstraction level quite close to spark and Scala API. Based on single records instead of micro batching
See milestones - https://github.com/juanrh/sscheck/milestone/3 - https://github.com/juanrh/sscheck/milestone/4 - https://github.com/juanrh/sscheck/milestone/2
Dependency on spark-testing-base was removed when solving #36 but at the end it looks like the problem was in some dead code in sscheck, that it is already removed. Ensuring...