Juan Rodriguez Hortala
Juan Rodriguez Hortala
There is bug in the UI tests that was fixed in 4.11 and that was back ported to 4.10 in https://github.com/openshift/console/pull/11966, and it is currently WIP for 4.9 in https://github.com/openshift/console/pull/11977....
I'd like to work on this
I have https://github.com/juanrh/thanos/commits/add-path-content-reloader-with-relabeller-2 for this but it depends on https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/5673 that adds a generic mechanism for reloading configuration. I should be able to have a PR for this soon after...
See precedent for spark in http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=21369 and check - problems with big.LITTLE cores for the XU4 - configuration for number of cores and trade off with memory: should be possible...
other interesting precedent http://climbers.net/sbc/40-core-arm-cluster-nanopc-t3/
According to https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.1/setup/yarn_setup.html HDFS is required for running flink on YARN, because flink uses HDFS to distribute the über jar, just like mapreduce. Possible options - run a single node...
For Spark, if we have a separate head node, then [the driver would run](http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/running-on-yarn.html) either in the head node (yarn client mode) or a container in a o-droid slave (yarn...
a test case for safeWordLenght in src/test/scala/es/ucm/fdi/sscheck/prop/tl/FormulaTest.scala is pending before closing this issue
basic shrinking support is available for `BatchGen`
For `PDStreamGen` a trivial generator like the following makes no sense for temporal generators: ``` scala implicit def shrinkDStream[A] : Shrink[PDStream[A]] = Shrink(pdstream => // unwrap the underlying Seq, shrink...