Jean-Thierry Kéchichian

Results 106 comments of Jean-Thierry Kéchichian

@hishamco Didn't have so much time to think about it but will let you know if I find something. Yes at the end the same things would be done but...

@hishamco Just a first test that I will complete, only to show the idea, the `IShapeTableProvider` would be registered when the feature is enabled, I will add a check for...

Any feature can implement its own `IShapeTableProvider`, many examples in the source

@hishamco Something like this // Registered in the startup executed when the feature is enabled. public class AdminCulturePickerShapes : IShapeTableProvider { public void Discover(ShapeTableBuilder builder) { builder.Describe("Layout") .OnDisplaying(async context =>...

Currently there is nothing in this zone, in TheAdmin layout the darkmode button and the user menu are explicitly rendered after this zone, so the culture picker will always be...

@hishamco Just did some first tests, can't continue right now but will continue this week-end ;) First on the Default tenant, it was not setting the cookie so it was...

@hishamco No problem, otherwise I like how it works, but yes not so easy to take into account all the things. But I think you are very close to make...

@hishamco I made a separate PR based on your branch to show you what I meant, see #12113. Feel free to use or not what you like or not ;)

See my comments in #12113 What you did may work or not E.g. `"/" + ShellSettings.Name.ToLower()` is not necessarily equal to `"/" + tenantUrlPrefix` and is not well escaped. For...

@hishamco For info as I remember The **shapeTableProvider needs to be decorated with the [Feature()] attribute**, as I did in my branch, otherwise when you have 1st enabled the feature...