Justin Sun

Results 7 comments of Justin Sun

Can we make **adapters** for `DatePicker` instead of `dayjs` or `monentjs`? Like [MUI DatePicker](https://mui.com/x/react-date-pickers/getting-started/#setup), they have different adapters for different date libs. Also, if antd only support one date lib....

Kinda interesting xD. Though this issue created in 2018. Wechat (or "WeChat Official Account") is still popular in China. Many Chinese dev learn new things there. (and because of GFW,...

Hi @michaelrambeau . I love bestofjs and often browse it in my spare time! I am a fullstack dev myself. Do you have some plan to refactor the backend (I...

I assume the fundamental reason is your customized styles overwrite some styles of devtools component. I will try to change the devtools to browser extension instead of component 😀

`img.crossOrigin = "anonymous"` may cause the image not to be displayed, so my solution is to convert the image to base64 first before adding it. This does solve the problem...

Does `Radio.Group` work in antd `Form.Item` without this lib?