Jason Stewart
Jason Stewart
I've just written a first attempt at a clang-format file for GPUOpen-Effects. It still needs more testing. I'll start using it to clean up existing code and see if it...
P.S. This would be in addition to our vera++ rules, not a replacement, as clang-format can't do everything (e.g. it can't check for the presence of the copyright/license comment header,...
Thanks, @vlj. We will review this shortly.
Good point. We will add this to the backlog.
@khillesl-AMD will have more to say on this soon, but this decision was ... not universally beloved by the AMDers currently involved with TressFX. We may refactor this.
From a GitHub Organization standpoint, there are three parts to GPUOpen: 1. [Effects](https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/) 2. [Libraries & SDKs](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/) 3. [Tools](https://github.com/GPUOpen-Tools/) You can find GPUOpen projects that run on Linux in [Libraries...
While we certainly recognize the value of officially supporting GPUOpen effects on the consoles, we are not ready to say one way or the other what our plans are at...
We are expecting to move straight to FSR 3.1 for the UE5.4 plugin.