Jonas Spenger
Jonas Spenger
There should be a larger review with more people of the repository before the release. Topics to discuss are anything that is appropriate for the first release: code; examples; API.
Compiling Portals applications to Flink and Kafka would be great for several reasons. First, it would act as a baseline, and we could have something to directly compare the performance...
There is a pervasive issue with nesting portal tasks within an init. The problem is that the type of the task will be init and not one of the portal...
It would be a great addition to integrate Spores3 into the actor library, such that the "behaviors" are "spores". An issue was encountered on a small test, as there seemed...
At some point we should implement the SAVINA actor benchmark. More info in the links: * *
PerTaskState uses a reserved key for the moment for the Task State, see This is strange, and will cause a bug if a key has the same value as...
There should be both API docs and tutorial documentation (#6) for PortalsJS for the release. More details to follow.
It is perhaps concerning that we do not have any error handling mechanisms in the PortalsJS library. We should first discuss if this is appropriate, and, if yes, how it...
There is currently no "broadcast" operator or event type in Portals. Having a broadcast operator would enable sending a message to all instances of a task. This can be used...