Jonas Spenger
Jonas Spenger
As part of our long-term goals we want to compile to Scala Native, as a first step we should add Scala Native to the cross-compilation build, more info at the...
The current Docker image for the Portals Client/Server is about 1.3 GB. This is very large and wasteful, and can likely be reduced down to a much smaller size (~100MB)....
Organize an in-house Portals Hackathon, to build interesting Portals applications. The main idea behind this is to get some valuable feedback on the API (and potential API misuse), as well...
Due to the larger restructuring, many of the benchmarks have become obsolete. In an effort to bring the benchmarking up to a good standard, we should implement some of the...
There should be a comparison to other projects in the readme (the heading currently exists, but without any body). This should be added at some point. The reason is to...
There is currently no access to the registry via the `PortalsSystem`. This was hacked in for the current version of the portalsjs branch, to enable accessing the registry for interactive...
The Portals Actor Runtime currently only runs on a single workflow. It would be a good idea to extend this with abstractions to run the runtimes on different workflows. Such...
We should add an in-memory cache to the RocksDB state backend, just to avoid serialization and deserialization costs for certain workloads. At least, we should add it and see if...
In the paper [1] we describe a "wearables end-to-end application". We should include this in our examples, and also execute it with the cloud and edge runtimes. Tasks: * [...
There should be an example that runs an end-to-end Portals application across both JS and JVM.