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Problems with nesting portal tasks within an Init
There is a pervasive issue with nesting portal tasks within an init. The problem is that the type of the task will be init and not one of the portal tasks (asker, replier); this is a problem as launching the tasks corretly in the runtime requires knowing this information. For this reason, there is a compilation well-formedness check that checks for this.
A better solution would be to leak the information about the nested task-type to the outer init, such that we can access this information in the compilation and the runtime dispatching.
TaskBuilder.init[Int, Nothing] {
// initialize the aggregate
val sum = PerTaskState[Int]("sum", 0)
.replier[Int, Nothing, Query, QueryReply](portal) { x =>
sum.set(sum.get() + x) // aggregates sum
} { case Query() =>
reply(QueryReply(PerTaskState("sum", 0).get()))
The example will be problematic down the line, as explained above, it will not be recognized as a replier by the dispatcher or by the compiler.