Either from a webcam or via manual input so I could use a Bluetooth scanner. Essentially the request is to be able to run the mobile app on a windows...
@VietHo I am having the same issue. Your solution almost works, Except now I am getting a recursion error: `if isinstance(o, UUID): RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a...
I was able to hack this together by replacing line: `response = self.con.get(url, params=params)` in sharepoint.py get_items() with: ` headers = {}` ` headers['Prefer'] = 'HonorNonIndexedQueriesWarningMayFailRandomly'` ` response = self.con.get(url,...
Is this implemented in any way yet?
I am having the same issue.
try setting a :key that is unique and not the array index
FWIW, i'm currently getting around this by attaching the following event listener to my top most scroll component: ``` function onScroll() { const els = document.getElementsByClassName('scroll') for (const el of...