Jay Sitter

Results 61 issues of Jay Sitter

I created a custom preprocess function for filtering **and** sorting by JW distance: ```vim " sort by jw score provided by ezfilter function! s:sort_by_jw(options, matches) abort let l:items = []...

### What I would like to federate only certain Post Formats -- for instance, `Status` and `Aside`. ### Why The `Standard` Post Format is often a long blog post that...

[Type] Feature Request

Would be nice to be able to browse the fleeceware list on GitHub itself in plain text

The line numbers in dark gray were too distracting, I thought, so I've made them light gray here.

In console vim, the wildmenu selection background color is black, making the text of the selected item difficult to read. Here I've made the text of the selected item white...

HTML element tags and attribute names were both red, making HTML a little difficult to parse. Here I've made the attribute names blue so that they stand out more.

### Description When the Custom Fields panel is shown, the Typewriter Experience / Typewriter Scrolling (#16460) doesn't work. ### Step-by-step reproduction instructions 1. In Editor Preferences on the Edit page,...

[Type] Bug
[Feature] Writing Flow
Needs Testing

[mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars](/mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars) is the official Vim syntax highlighting/indentation plugin from the Mustache project. What is the advantage to using this over the official one? I wonder if it would be better...

## Information **VIM version** NVIM v0.9.0 Operating System: macOS ## What went wrong `g:ale_hover_to_floating_preview` doesn't seem to be working for `:ALEHover` From the help docs: > When using Neovim or...
