Jay Sitter

Results 61 issues of Jay Sitter

Would be nice to see that a result in the menu comes from omnicomplete, in the same way that buffer results show that they are from buffer. See also prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-tags.vim#15

I was wondering why Muzzle kept turning on do not disturb when I wasn't screen sharing; turns out it's happening when xScope is used: https://xscopeapp.com/

It's not advisable to copy and paste commands into your terminal that contain `sudo`; encouraging this practice is probably not a good idea.

I still think there's some inconsistency in this highlight logic that needs to be resolved. Here's a matrix of behaviors when different settings are set by the user: ### master...

Searching my feeds for `bereal`, this article isn't returned in the results: https://lifehacker.com/what-is-the-new-social-media-app-bereal-and-do-you-r-1848780094 Searching for `new social media app` does return the article. It comes from this feed: https://lifehacker.com/tag/software/rss And...

I have `insert_final_newline = unset` in my `.editorconfig`, and `set nofixendofline` in my `.vimrc`. When editorconfig runs, it turns `fixendofline`/`fixeol` on again, because `insert_final_newline` isn't set to `false`: ```vim if...

### Checklist - [x] Using latest version on the [App Store](http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1156707581) - [x] Read the [docs](http://blink.sh/docs/) - [x] Searched for [existing GitHub issues](https://github.com/blinksh/blink/issues) ### Configuration iPadOS 15.5.1, Blink version


> Failed to initialize typescript-language-server with error -32603: Request initialize failed with message: Couldn't find 'tsserver' executable or 'tsserver.js' module I ran the installation as described in README.md, yet am...

No idea why this is happening, but it results in the `.is_stuck` class being removed and re-added on every little scroll event. I changed line 119 (within the `tick()` function)...

`htmlTagName` is linked to `htmlStatement` (which is linked to `Statement`). `jsxTagName` should either be linked to `htmlTagName` or to `Statement` for consistency. ``` :verbose hi htmlTagName htmlTagName xxx links to...