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Sort by JW score?

Open jsit opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

I created a custom preprocess function for filtering and sorting by JW distance:

" sort by jw score provided by ezfilter
function! s:sort_by_jw(options, matches) abort
  let l:items = []
  for [l:source_name, l:matches] in items(a:matches)
    for l:item in l:matches['items']
      let l:item['jw'] = 
            \ asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#JaroWinkler#distance(l:item['word'], a:options['base'])
      if l:item['jw'] <= 0.15
        call add(l:items, l:item)

  let l:items = sort(l:items, {a, b -> a['jw'] == b['jw'] ? 0 : a['jw'] > b['jw'] ? 1 : -1})

  call asyncomplete#preprocess_complete(a:options, l:items)

let g:asyncomplete_preprocessor = [function('s:sort_by_jw')]

Wondered if there's any way to make this native to this plugin as a helper? Seems like it could be useful for other people (or could just be dropped into README).

jsit avatar Jul 26 '20 18:07 jsit