
Results 22 issues of jsdhasfedssad

Hi again, As always, your tool is amazing. No more PowerView! :) As you may know, Bloodhound 4.2.0 was [released ](https://posts.specterops.io/introducing-bloodhound-4-2-the-azure-refactor-1cff734938bd)today. It supports new edges and they have also improved...

Hi, I see a lot of potential in this tool but when I tested it today using Bloodhound 4.2.0 and Cypher Shell 4.4.9 I only get very little output and...

Hi, Using Certipy 4.0.0 I attempt to execute the ESC6 attack but this fails with "CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_EMAIL_REQUIRED". As far as I know this error is related to the certificate template not...

Hi, I love your tool and I have used it a lot! However, today during testing in my AD lab I suddenly get the error "SMB SessionError: STATUS_PIPE_DISCONNECTED" when attempting...


Hi, Trying the command "SharpKatz.exe --command ekeys" on a Windows 10 workstation just outputs the same as the command "SharpKatz.exe --command logonpasswords". And when trying this on a Server 2019...

Hi, After reading [this ](https://www.praetorian.com/blog/ntlmv1-vs-ntlmv2/) post about relaying SMB NTLMv1 to LDAPS, something I thought was not possible, I decided to try this out. I had partial success testing this....

Hi, I am trying to abuse ESC5 in order to forge a Golden Certificate for Administrator, import that into a virtual smartcard reader then connect to machines using RDP authenticating...

This does not seem to work for me. Alternatively, I am doing something wrong. ![amsi1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97032878/222170723-8992c82b-4720-41bb-8770-d680bc184195.png)

help wanted

When you control an object that have for example the edges `GenericAll` or `ForceChangePassword` on a computer object it is possible to set the password of that computer object (machine...

Hi, I see you are planning to add more coercing methods in version 2.0 which is great! Have you heard about NTLMQUIC available and running by default on Windows 11...
