
Results 12 comments of jsdhasfedssad

Hi, I have the same issues as described here. - Installation not working, error "[!] Failed to connect to Virtual Smart Card, is the driver installed?". This I can "solve"...

I tried to reproduce this but I couldn't. I have rebuilt my AD lab which includes a primary and a secondary DC since reporting this so maybe there was some...

Trust me, you don't want a PR from me. My job is to break things :) I tried to manually edit the elements "[DeleteExpiredTaskAfter](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/taskschd/taskschedulerschema-deleteexpiredtaskafter-settingstype-element)" and/or "[ExecutionTimeLimit](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/taskschd/taskschedulerschema-executiontimelimit-settingstype-element)" in the file ScheduledTask.xml...

Update 1: I managed to find a way to trigger a very similar error as above. To trigger error 0x00ce557: 1) SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddComputerTask --TaskName "test6" --Author adlab.local\domainadmin1 --Command "cmd.exe" --Arguments...

I checked out this PR in order to test abusing a child/parent trust using Impacket's raiseChild.py. However, I get the same "KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED(TGT has been revoked)" error as I do without...

Thanks for your reply! Never mind my last update, I wrote it before seeing your reply. Anyway, I tested your commands. I still get the error when requesting the TGS.

Great! It works. You were right. I have to use an existing user. Thank you! Do I need to use this PR for cross-forests attacks to?

I checked my old notes and in those I never first requested a TGS before DCSyncing. This also works.

That is some very good information that I have not seen anywhere else. Thank you! I have a biderectional forest trust in my lab so I will test this next.

Closing other Powershell sessions does not help. This is executed on Server 2019.