Jesse Schoch

Results 47 comments of Jesse Schoch

is there a branch I can test with? I was thinking that it may be easier to start with plain old text files for probe/probe plate setups to start out.

I had set $10=3 to see the machine coordinates (that would be nice on the DRO pane), and I think I broke the reporting. I did $RST=* and reset it...

somehow the config was connecting to COM1 which isn't connected to the board. Not sure how that happened.

>G92 option will be axed. Not sure about (how to) add(ing) tool length offset option for Tool length and Height map tabs, at least for vanilla grbl as it does...

I was poking around the rendering code last night to try to use the gcode parser to show the probing moves. How would I get the G38 to render? I...

I wanted to render the gcode for the probe moves in the 3d viewer. G38 does not render, and it seems to need a start and end for the 3dviewer...

yes, i tried to add it but i wasn't able to get the start and end set correctly.

this worked. I am poking at adding labels. One issue is that the "!" commands are not parsed and the point at which it moves after the probe will not...

On my centroid acorn as well as standard grbl I believe probe active in the middle of a job throws an error.

this is way better than not detecting it at all! I've asked Bart to consider a solution for this and opened a ticket but I'm not sure when he will...