Jörg Riesmeier

Results 26 comments of Jörg Riesmeier

FYI: [DCMTK 3.6.6](https://blog.jriesmeier.com/2021/01/dcmtk-3-6-6-available-for-public-release/) has been released only recently.

This might look easy at first glance but would probably require various (partly non-trivial) changes to the underlying DCMTK because of the existing hierarchy of DCMTK modules and the fact...

If only support for the pre-defined codes from DCMR (PS3.16) is needed, class [DSRBasicCodedEntry](https://support.dcmtk.org/docs/classDSRBasicCodedEntry.html) would be sufficient. I would also like to avoid any additional dependencies for module "dcmsr". As...

@fedorov This would probably be the easiest way (for now). Instead of calling the methods GetCodeValue(), GetCodingSchemeDesignator(), etc. you can simply access the (constant) members of DSRBasicCodedEntry directly (CodeValue, CodingSchemeDesignator,...

@fedorov In case, the DCMTK is used here somewhere: Adding support for CP-2023 is already on [my to-do list](https://support.dcmtk.org/redmine/issues/961). By the way, this CP is a result of a [discussion](https://groups.google.com/g/comp.protocols.dicom/c/jsIsbwEM4vI/m/CX_gTUBXDAAJ)...

Support for CP-2023 has been added to the DCMTK by [this commit](https://github.com/DCMTK/dcmtk/commit/ddbddf30c058d335430eabd6623eb6cbdb6a36ee).

@fedorov Regarding the "tid1500writer": The [setReferencedSegment()](https://support.dcmtk.org/docs/classTID1411__VolumetricROIMeasurements.html#a9fe7b153a4a9a52f30ed03b3d379de84l) method from [TID 1411 class](https://support.dcmtk.org/docs/classTID1411__VolumetricROIMeasurements.html) also sets (i.e. copies) the tracking information from the referenced segment if parameter "copyTracking" is true (which is the...

@fedorov I know that the referenced source code of "SingleTimepoint/EncodeMeasurementsSR.cxx" has not been updated for a while but just in case it would be revised you might want to use...

The documentation of DCMTK's [TID1500_MeasurementReport](https://support.dcmtk.org/docs/classTID1500__MeasurementReport.html) class should provide all information on the supported features (content items and included sub-templates).

Actually, DCMTK's underlying SR implementation (module "dcmsr") does support by-reference relationships. So, it is more a question of how to offer this functionality _in an easy-to-use way_ on the higher-level...