Jennifer Reiber Kyle
Jennifer Reiber Kyle
We have an [environment.yml]( file and [requirements.txt]( file in this repo. This situation can be a little confusing with users wondering which file to use to set up their environment...
Users may want to run notebooks without having to use docker. Add instructions to README. For an example, see the installation instructions these folks offer in their readme:
In `datasets-identify.ipynb`, we use fiona to read the shapefile coordinate reference system. The version of fiona that is associated with the version of rasterio we are using, 1.8.0, has a...
instead of creating a ton of code for parsing landsat qa bands, use [rio-l8qa](
Some large notebooks have multiple utilities that would be useful in their own notebooks: - visualizing and converting UDMs to masks - visualizing RGB and NIR bands of analytic scenes...
This work updates the temporal analysis workflow to take advantage of the sdk v2. It also breaks up the one notebook into `prepare` notebook for getting the field aois, ``...
Even with a re-used test environment, it takes 20 seconds to perform a unit test run with `time nox -r -s test -p 3.7`. This disrupts test-driven development. There is...
Decrease the barrier to entry for users by providing robust async usage description in the docs that includes code snippets they can drop into their sync code, briefly discusses gotchas,...
Revise python api documentation to match quality of CLI documentation. Currently the python api documentation is disjointed from a reader perspective, as it was built up piece by piece as...