Stephen Duncan Jr
Stephen Duncan Jr
Please support `--proxy-auth` like `--auth` instead of relying on username@password in the proxy URL. This should allow us not to have to put our password in the command-line, or have...
I would expect that the flatMapMerge below behave the same as the mapAsyncUnordered: ```scala import import{Flow, Sink, Source} import{ActorAttributes, ActorMaterializer, Supervision} import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await,...
`scan0` and `query0` were added to `Table`, but not to `SecondaryIndex`
### ScalaMock Version 5.1.0 ### Scala Version 2.13.6 ### Runtime JVM ### Please describe the expected behavior of the issue Creation of mock successfully compiles ### Please provide a description...
* Move config-reading abstract methods from each decider into a ConfigReader Interface * Add featureGroup support to control what features use the same hashing for proportionOfUsers decider * Move the...
In [my CLI tool ](, after adopting `dateparser`, I was able to remove all but [three custom formats]( Here are the sample date strings from the tests: - [2020-12-17 00:00:34,247](