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Mocking interface that defines public clone method fails on Scala 2.13.6
ScalaMock Version
Scala Version
Please describe the expected behavior of the issue
Creation of mock successfully compiles
Please provide a description of what actually happens
[error] ....weaker access privileges in overriding
[error] def clone(): Object (defined in trait MyInterface)
[error] override should be public;
[error] (note that def clone(): Object (defined in trait MyInterface) is abstract,
[error] and is therefore overridden by concrete protected[package lang] def clone(): Object (defined in class Object))
[error] mock[MyInterface]
Reproducible Test Case
public interface MyInterface {
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
class Test extends AnyFunSuite with MockFactory {
test("should be able to mock") {
mock[MyInterface] // fails to compile on 2.13.6
As discussed in this behavior on Scala 2.13.6 is valid, so it seems ScalaMock needs to implement MyInterface
by defining a public override of clone
instead of leaving the protected
abstract from Object