Jukka Rahkonen

Results 177 comments of Jukka Rahkonen

I like this tool https://github.com/gina-alaska/dans-gdal-scripts/blob/master/src/gdal_trace_outline.cc a lot. It has some advanced features which are very useful for us (National Land Survey of Finland) when we generate footprints for historical orthophotos...

Gdalinfo does report something but I guess that this is not what you want: ``` gdalinfo md_kompsat.tif Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF ERROR 1: Maximum number of characters allowed reached. ERROR 1: md_kompsat.rpc...

There is some documentation in https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/gtiff.html, maybe it could be improved? > GDAL can read and write the RPCCoefficientTag as described in the [RPCs in GeoTIFF](http://geotiff.maptools.org/rpc_prop.html) proposed extension. The tag...

At least WMS driver sets a default User-Agent, I do not know if any other driver does.

Could you try to find the exact UTF-8 code for the quote character `? Is it this? U+0060 | ` | 60 | GRAVE ACCENT -- | -- | --...

Proj 8.2.1 did not complain when I tried this transformation ``` projinfo -s "+proj=latlong ellps=WGS84 type=crs" -t epsg:4326 Candidate operations found: 1 ------------------------------------- Operation No. 1: unknown id, Ballpark geographic...

Thanks, that's what I thought but I did not find it explicitly mentioned in the standard text. And because all of the features are not associated with spatial geometries then...

I think that gdalwarp does not do it or I just do not know how. Simple test with overlapping red (1) and green (2) images ``` gdal_create -outsize 100 100...

Try if you can reproduce the error with a raster that you can create with gdal_create https://gdal.org/programs/gdal_create.html `gdal_create -if your_raster.tif test_raster.tif` If you can it should be safe to share...

The file size of the image makes me think that it could be created as a normal TIFF and then reached the 4 GB size limit here: `ERROR 1: LZWDecode:Wrong...