Jukka Rahkonen

Results 230 comments of Jukka Rahkonen

This issue has been reopened already [on 22 May 2019](https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/1335#event-2358295557)

> I'm still unclear how they sit in GDAL atm, I didn't realize "NATIVE" was an explicit option NATIVE is not really an explicit and selectable option. It can be...

> can we use OGRSQL or SQLITE against other real DBs where NATIVE has explicit and (usually) exclusive meaning? Certainly,test yourself. ``` ogrinfo PG:"host=localhost port=5432 dbname=dbname user=user password=password" -dialect SQLite...

Add also gdalinfo of the source image.

Does gdalinfo report your GeoTIFFs as PixelIsAreaa or PixelIsPoint? If you have wrong metadata in GeoTIFF then see here https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2019-December/051342.html how it can be fixed.

AREA_OR_POINT=Area is wrong for your data. Fix the metadata with `gdal_edit -mo AREA_OR_POINT=Point point.tif --config GTIFF_POINT_GEO_IGNORE YES ` You will notice that gdalinfo reports now different extents. But do you...

One may think that you want to get tiles that overlap by one pixel row and therefore you must take that into account when you request the data. But the...

Do you still believe that you have found a bug in GDAL or are the main issues a) you have source data that has wrong AREA_OR_POINT metadata and b) you...

The pixel_is_point/pixel_is_area support that was added to GDAL 11 years ago is based on the assumption that the metadata in GeoTIFF is correct https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc33_gtiff_pixelispoint. I know that there are other...

That does not feel totally problem-free. Users may get surprised because their datetimes sometimes get changed into UTC without warning and sometimes not even they use exactly same commands all...