Jukka Rahkonen

Results 230 comments of Jukka Rahkonen

I agree that good practice is to have all the tables to use the same time mode. But users do not necessarily request UTC mode themselves but they may get...

CPL warning might be good. I was considering if we should use DATETIME_FORMAT=UTC in the geopackages that we at NLS create and deliver. I mean the metadata, times should already...

From GeoPackage and SpatiaLite the extent is already available very fast from the rtree index. ``` select min(minx) from rtree_kunta_geom where id in (select id from kunta limit 100) ```...

I did not quite understand how and why to change the root node but made a few tests with a standard Geoserver 2.20 installation. ``` gdalinfo WCS:"http://localhost:8080/geoserver/ows?service=WCS" --debug on Sends...

How long does it take if you run directly from the database `SELECT count(*) from my_table`? See also https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Slow_Counting

What would be the difference to existing option? ``` --xyz (https://gdal.org/programs/gdal2tiles.html#cmdoption-gdal2tiles-xyz) Generate XYZ tiles (OSM Slippy Map standard) instead of TMS. In the default mode (TMS), tiles at y=0 are...

The string-id is somehow dealt with at least WFS driver https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/53364c89d9514e0f5964c2842ba6b602148b7079/doc/source/drivers/vector/wfs.rst. Upsert was new to me so this wiki page was interesting to read https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/UPSERT. Upsert as a feature might...

The WKT standard from 2010 OpenGIS® Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option did not say anything about the coordinate order. It is...

I am not sure how much of this issue is about VRT and how much about WKT. Perhaps it is mostly about the latter and I fear that it is...

I would narrow the discussion to deal with the textual presentation of geometries as WKT but before that one more link https://github.com/opengeospatial/geopackage/pull/545 that may interest you as well. The question...