Justin Wallace
Justin Wallace
This might not be related to this, but what about web workers? I'm unable to use web workers in library mode as well. It builds fine, but doesn't bundle the...
@croche2574 @codercoin98 Sadly, I don't think this is being maintained any longer. I reached out to take it over but never got a response. I have a very simular package...
> I want to try your library. Is it library a fork of this one? It is a little more than a fork. It updates it and adds a decent...
Uncaught ReferenceError: _components_common_Upload…alog__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ is not defined
This is unmaintained. I tried contacting the author and got no reply. I created a new package based on a fork [here](https://github.com/jpwallace22/use-react-workers). It should have your issues corrected as well...