Jonathan Prokos
Jonathan Prokos
See for context.
Implement changes made in for CARLAMOTAdversarialPatchPyTorch
1. When supplying a value such as `INTL` as `output_dir`, armory outputs the results to `~/.armory/outputs/INTL_/…` as opposed to what would be expected `~/.armory/outputs/INTL//…` 2. When supplying an absolute path...
Currently when gpu is not specified, armory defaults to running the attack on GPU0 and loading some other data onto all other GPUs. It would be useful to be able...
I.e. take in a collection of config files (or optimally a set of learning-rates or base-images or just a generic list of kwargs to modify) and output a single result...
See Relied on by config loading when setting `--check` flag and something else
Right now it is very difficult to understand what the shapes of each dataloader/scenario/attack/exporter expect. This PR hopes to increase the verbosity of our documentation here - particularly to clarify...