would be nice to have that feature!
Would be great to have more than 2 decimals! (perhaps by adding the number of decimal we want in settings)
Could someone publish an apk? Or Robert, could you put a release apk on your repo? Thank you!
bug still present in freebsd. I did a shell script like this to fix my autostart: #! /bin/sh rm -f ~/.cache/tilda/locks/* tilda&
> I have this working now with ST7789, basically mirroring the HDMI, so should easily be applicable to a range of other screens too. Will get it all done in...
The PR is there. You can go to 3diteration's repo, he has all the images there ready to put on sdcard.
I had same issue with win10. If it can take other I did whats is said in the last message of this thread : (basically you need ot update...
Can it be updated ? Freebsd package is failing to retrive server list