James McKinney

Results 188 comments of James McKinney

Restarted at #1192.

The latest agate (1.10.2 – with the performance change being in 1.10.0) might fix the memory issue - depending on how it's called. (I am the agate maintainer.)

@Vadorequest yes, click @jo-tools’ first link.

Thanks for the link. It looks like it doesn't support something similar to /anything/, unfortunately.

For /anything/ I'm now just running the httpbin docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/kennethreitz/httpbin

See this example: https://csvkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scripts/csvjoin.html#examples

If you manually add a comma to the first row, you can then do `csvcut myfile.csv` and it will fill in the missing commas in the other rows.

I'm reopening this issue as `csvclean` should also be able to fix this, but there's a bug.

csvclean is a streaming tool, but adding a missing column requires (in worst case) reading the entire file once, and then constructing the output. Since csvkit works with standard input,...

Thank you for your interest! There is an open issue to change csvclean's behavior somewhat, so you might have different ideas on how to integrate with that proposal (or you...