James McKinney

Results 188 comments of James McKinney

No longer documented. See previous docs: https://web.archive.org/web/20120714035256/http://disqus.com/api/docs/auth/

I wrote my own gem in the meantime: https://github.com/opennorth/tf-idf-similarity Perhaps you'd like to re-use it?

1. I assume the tokenized documents would be arrays? You can now do that by passing `:tokens` argument when initializing a document, eg. `Document.new("Lorem ipsum", :tokens => ["Lorem", "ipsum"])` 2....

The failures seem to be unrelated to the changes.

@coutoPL Yes, I already do those steps. It would be nice to just be able to use the original PEM files instead of converting to PKCS12. It's nice that converting...

I can reproduce the error. I haven't been able to determine why the error occurs (it's been a while since I wrote Ragel.)

I can confirm that the Ruby CSV library doesn't have this issue: ```ruby require 'csv' CSV.parse("one,two\nthr\00ee,four") ``` produces: `[["one", "two"], ["thr\u0000ee", "four"]]` That said, I haven't kept this library up-to-date...

@cpence I no longer actively maintain this repository, but I'd be happy to merge a pull request.

I'm confused. This thread has many examples of JSON files larger than 4GB, in which there is an array (either at the top-level or nested) whose elements the user wants...

I currently use [ijson](https://github.com/ICRAR/ijson) (adds an interface on top of YAJL). Its interface allows setting a path where `item` is a special token to indicate an array entry (it does...