Joshua Avalon

Results 25 comments of Joshua Avalon

When you change the order of the pool, it does not reflect the changes in the UI, including pool list and clicking arrow in the post UI.

@rr- I have just investigate more about this problem. I am able to reproduce it consistently with the following steps: 1. Create a new post 2. Edit the post 3....

After some investigation, I found the following error in syslog ``` segfault at 1526690025bc ip 00001526a92cfa3b sp 0000152669002520 error 6 in[1526a926f000+65000] ``` It seems like it is a segfault...

@mplatvoet I used the default number of thread. I have rewritten the code to avoid it though.

After a bunch of testing, I got it built. The new code it on docker branch. A test image is uploaded to DockerHub. @pegasy can you try `joshava/cloudflare-ddns-test` to see...

@Coder84619 `docker logs ` should print the stdout. If it prints nothing, try `docker exec -it /bin/sh` which will enter the container with a interactive session (use `exit` to exit...

@Coder84619 You should use the **container name** or **container ID** instead of **image name**. Container name can be get from `docker ps`. It will show all running containers. If it...

> Right now my entire config is just a secret which makes updating the config difficult As far as I know, there isn't really any different on updating secret or...

@polds Ok, it sounds valid. I will try to implement it.