I have attached a Japanese table I found in a version of brltty. Could you convert this to liblouis standards so programs such as NVDA, send-to-braille, Jaws and others can...
I have noticed all ESpeak-ng variants speak with the same inflection or intonation style. Can you please add more tunes statements especially for English, that will let people make variants...
Could you reversse-engineer bestSpeech or keynote tts, and post its source code in c? It was written for windows3.1. The zip file containing its files is attached to this issue....
If you haven't done so already, can you enhance the help command so it gives a more detailed explanation of the --dynatemp-range parameter? I am not sure if I am...
RhVoice is not available as a tts voice option on iPhone in the app store. Could a developer possibly make an rhVoice app so we can use rhVoice with voiceOver...