What is the progress on the NVDA object labeler? Will it be in NVDA 2019.3? or 2019.4?
I think that rh-voice would be perfect for preserving one of my favorite english-voice speech synthesizers which has not been available on windows for years. If I could have the...
also, if its possible for me to send you a bunch of recordings of keynote gold, reading sentences, then hopefully the keynote gold rh-voice could be ported to android also?
Ok then, perhaps you could write up a word document and describe how to build a voice when you get time? I would like to along with others, take up...
I haven’t seen any other files related to that braille table.
Japanese was already added into Liblouis.
I am still interested in an up-to-date sapi5 espeak ng. a good sapi5 espeak ng that works with 32 and 64bit sapi5 espeak still does not exist. if it did...
iphone has a small interface app so maybe sapi5 espeak should have a small interface app to let you control inflection word gap or pauses between words, volume rate and...
I am still interested in espeak ng sapi5 x64 and x86 so it works with both windows narrator and also older sapi5 programs. I submitted feedback to microsoft on this....