Josh Perez
Josh Perez
Oops sorry, this was marked as a bug and not meant to be closed.
@petarbeck yes please debug logs would maybe help, also more information on your OS, network, and any special software/setup you might be running.
@petarbeck if you're willing to install the beta version you could get us a crash dump, this also may be fixed in the latest 6.27.0-beta.3
@max-l any chance we can get your debug logs see if they shed some light on this issue? You can find them off the menu View -> Debug Logs. You...
@vallejo915 what happens when you try to install it? Are you able to pull logs from your machine about the installation?
Not looking for a debug log but maybe system logs can tell us why the install is failing?
Check your Signal Preferences. Avatar menu -> Preferences -> Notifications. What does it say for "Notification Content"?
do you always get the "Signal est pret" message obscuring a regular message? I'm not finding that string in our localization strings so I'm not sure it's coming from signal
is there an OS setting dealing with notifications perhaps?