
Results 110 issues of josephrocca

I'm been playing around trying to create a minimal Google Colab demo for this repository, but am running into some error messages that you can see here: * *...

You may have wanted to leave this in for some reason, in which case feel free to close this pull request. This would mainly be desirable for me to make...

It might be handy for others to have a `decompressStreamFromStream` method, as I've added very quickly/hackily (in terms of code duplication) over here:

When I try to clone an object that has getter methods defined, this lib seems to be calling those getters rather than coping the function :S

Hello, just wondering whether the HiP code (and pre-trained models?) are going to be released and if so, whether there's an ETA on that? Even a super rough estimate (e.g....

I want to change a body's position and orientation and _reset_ all of its dynamic properties like velocity, angular velocity, and anything else that affects the simulation. Currently I use...

Hello! Firstly, thanks very much to spencer and contributors for working so hard on v7 - very exciting new API. I'm thinking about using compromise in a little project of...


The benchmark pages linked on [this SO question]( (from a couple of years ago) are now giving 404s: * *

**System information** - TensorFlow.js version (you are using): `tensorflowjs_converter --version` = `3.15.0` - Are you willing to contribute it (Yes/No): I'm willing, but potentially not able - unless I have...


I'm converting a BART-based model from TensorFlow Saved Model format, and the lack of support for these ops is preventing the convesion: `BitwiseXor`, `Bitcast`, `LeftShift`, `BitwiseOr`, `RightShift`. **System information** -...
