Joseph Misiti
Joseph Misiti
I can provide a pull request for this and #63 if that would be helpful
Here you go (link to github included):
@KevinColemanInc trying to do that right now and hitting the exact same problem as you ``` java ValidationError(articles:api/articles.json:get,responseClass is required,ERROR) ValidationError(articles:api/articles/{id}.json:get,responseClass is required,ERROR) ValidationError(articles:api/articles/{id}.json:put,responseClass is required,ERROR) ```
fixed here:
Try python install from within the python-munin directory
This fix did not work for me. If it doesnt for you check out my pull request and let me know:
what version of python are you using ?
Ideally - I would like to get each chapter started, and then go from there - what I am running into right now is some of the charts they are...