Results 48 comments of Joris W

`onPeriod()` would then be the correct naming for analysing incoming periods.

@Haehnchen Any plans to approve this? It's six months old and the feature is kind of a blocker for production use. @egisz Bunch of conflicts with master since.

Thanks for your elaboration. Are you saying performance is good with SQLite ?

I understand. FWIW, the reason I am looking for an ORM implementation, is so that I can centralize activities of different bot sessions on different hosts, and manage them.

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Hmm. Didn’t think about the limitations you get once you’re in mirrored mode. I’d say at least the Readme should say that for now this app only works when not...

I would in my use case not mind fake brightness on both screens, as the only goal is to not have a hotel room fully illuminated late at night.

As for setting the desired brightness without having keys, I’d vote for a slider just like the sound volume one provided by Apple. This would be useful when you’re remote...

Sorry about the late reply. Works great, thanks! Tiny suggestion: a vertical slider would make it more conform to other such menu widgets, such as Apple's volume slider.

Oh, so actually, I still get this in my console every few ms: ``` 2019-06-19 22:40:28.273493+0200 Brightness[14820:24119902] No driving display -- keeping old brightness ``` .. This is when my...