Joren Broekema

Results 119 comments of Joren Broekema related topic for outputReferences, which begs the question: If we allow not resolving references to begin with, will we allow transforms that apply on values with references, useful for...

I am planning on rethinking how outputReferences option works in general in style-dictionary, and I think making it a global option in the SD config makes sense, where it will...

Another idea I had is that resolveReferences (and maybe even warnOnBrokenReferences) should accept a Function which is ran for each token and returns a boolean, to selectively resolve or not...

> Is this change still planned or already implemented? Not implemented, unlikely to make v4 since it's gonna be quite a refactor of reference resolution in SD. this document...

Maybe the prop can be called `deferred: true|false` btw, i think that's better than `postTransitive`

[Here's another example that showcases the need to defer transformation until after all references are resolved]( when trying to build a transform that wraps math expressions inside [`calc()`]( ```json {...

Since v3 is essentially in maintenance mode now that v4 is coming soon, I'd prefer to only merge high prio bugfixes/security vulnerabilities, is it okay to only do this fix...

Understandable, the main reason is that I'm carrying this solo at the moment and I've got limited time. Since v4 is a complete refactor (ESM, browser-compatible, first-class type safety, and...

@nhoizey hey, would love to get your 2 cents on this, I know your current PR is related to XML outputs and this multiplatform format seems to be different, but...

I think there is a fundamental issue with creating properties ('include') that do the same thing as other properties ('source') where the only difference is the layering. What if I...